Robbie McCormick

Mr Apple, Hawke's Bay, NEW ZEALAND

Robbie McCormick is a bundle of energy – and he needs every ounce of it as Orchard Technical Manager at Mr Apple in Hawke’s Bay. If it grows, moves or breathes, he’s a part of it.

“From winter pruning, to planting and harvest, I’m part of a team that makes sure everything is in sync to ensure yield, size and quality are spot on,” said Robbie.

He started out in the industry as a cadet in 1991 and couldn’t believe he’d found a job that combined the two things he loved most.

“I really liked growing stuff and I was into computers – an orchard cadetship was perfect for me!” he said.

“I’ve always been surrounded by people who are constantly driven to keep doing things better. It’s really shaped how I view things.

There’s always something to learn about the trees, soil, seasons – whatever! We just want to keep on improving.”
Science and technology have played a major part in the constant improvement of the New Zealand apple and pear industry.
“There have been huge developments in the 30 years I’ve been on orchards. Touch button technology means I can instantly access all the data I need across our 1,200 hectares of orchard. I have historic and live data at my fingertips so I can make better, quicker decisions across the board.”

He says high tech pest and disease control, state of the art equipment and innovative science have kept New Zealand as the world’s leading apple and pear producer.

“Kiwis are always looking for that incremental improvement, we’re natural born innovators. We want to continually better ourselves so we’re ahead of our competitors over the fence and around the world.”
“I pinch myself every day that I get to soak up the sunshine, learn new skills and produce something in front of my eyes that helps feed the world. Whether you’re starting out or in a senior position, it’s a top industry to be part of.”