Strategy and Priorities

Our strategy underpins everything we do. Developed and updated in partnership with growers. The strategy outlines our key priorities and how we'll achieve them.

Our Industry Ambition

Read NZAPI Strategy 2035


Market Access

Our markets are secure and profitable, and access is meaningful.

This priority is about being clear about the current markets we want to defend, the new markets we want to enter, and making informed choices about our market access priorities. The intent is to have access to a diversified market, which secures resilience and growth. It is also about reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers, and reducing the burden of compliance with market requirements. 



We are resilient to biosecurity threats and incursions.

This priority is about safeguarding our industry from unwanted pests and diseases, and ensuring we are prepared to respond to unwanted incursions. It is also about advocating solutions to government to negotiate policy on biosecurity risks, response and requirements.



We have access to the right workforce at the right time

This priority is about supporting our industry to have access to a productive workforce that supports industry growth, and enables our communities to thrive. It is also about futureproofing industry by harnessing technology across our supply chain.


Enable and support industry ambition

We have the services and the voice we need to prosper.

This priority is about how NZAPI will ensure the needs and priorities of its diverse members are understood, reflected in core programmes and services, supported through our research and development programme, and heard in government policy development. It also focuses on how our wider horticultural industry can work together to prosper.


We use natural resources sustainably, and minimise our environmental impact.

This priority is about enhanced environmental outcomes across our supply chain, improving data collection and analysis to make more informed choices, and using natural resources in a sustainable way.